Wedding planning tips for brides: 5 things you’re going to want to pack in your wedding day SOS kit | Nottingham & Lincolnshire natural wedding photographer

1) Change of shoes

Even if think you will last the day and evening in your wedding shoes, it’s best to pack a flat “just-in-case pair”.

2) Paracetamol

You can guarantee that someone in your wedding party is going to get a bit of a headache (maybe from drinks the night before).

3) Suncream (especially if you’re having an outdoor summer wedding)

Even if your wedding is largely indoors if you catch the sun easily you don’t want to look back at your photographs and think ‘If only I’d packed the sun cream!’

4) Phone charger

These can be VERY unreliable and break all the time. The last place you want this happening is on your wedding day, as you are going to want to take a few selfies at the reception.

5) Mints, or fresh breath spray

You may want to make sure your first kiss of married life is a pleasant one.

Keep away from strong-flavored food on the morning of your wedding and before you grace the aisle, have a quick mint or spritz your mouth with some fresh breath spray. You'll feel super confident puckering up too!

bride sos kit detail with items around white canvas bag labeled bride in black scribe text

Quick list of items that you may also want to include:

  • Allergy medication like Piriton, antacid medication, mini first aid kit with plasters, and blister plasters.

  • Bottle of water and protein bars.

  • Deodorant and body spray,

  • Dry shampoo, hair brush, hair spray, and bobby pins.

  • Extra make-up and lip balm/vaseline.

  • Menstrual products.

  • Mini pack of tissues.

  • Fashion tape, scissors, white chalk, safety pins, and mini sewing kit.

  • Nail polish remover and stain remover.

  • Bug spray (For outdoor weddings)

  • Super glue and ducktape.

  • Wedding timeline, vendor supplier numbers, and emergency contact numbers.

  • Extra earring backs.

  • Floss and toothpaste.

  • Portable steamer and lint roller.

  • Battery power pack.

  • Disposable camera.

I hope that these tips help you.

Victoria Louise.

*Stock photos used.

Natural documentary style and editorial contemporary wedding photographer based in Gainsborough, which is sandwiched between the historic town of Lincoln and Scunthorpe, not far distance from Retford, or Doncaster. Wedding photography for all within Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire for natural award-winning wedding photography in the east midlands.

Victoria Fenix

Mother, photographer and artist

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