Multi award winning photographer

Awards and accreditations

Multi award winning photographer
Awards and accreditations
I have received multiple awards Bronze and one Silver award from the Guild of Photographers during 2016-2017, and a couple of Highly commended awards from The Masters photography association in 2019.
Winner of “Most trusted in-home photography studio 2023” with SME news.
Winner of “Best portrait & pet photography studio 2023 - Lincolnshire” with Corporate vision.
In October 2019 I became a volunteer for ‘Remember my baby’ which is a charity that provides volunteer photographers to hospitals, hospices and funeral homes to photograph babies and families whos babies are dying shortly after birth, died at birth, or during pregnancy. You can learn more about the charity here.
In May 2014 I attended a newborn baby posing course with Tracy Willis, who is one of the leading newborn photographers in the UK. Later on in October 2014 I attended a 3 day workshop with the ‘just pose’ team which covered many aspects of being a professional baby photographer, so I could ensure my clients babies safety and provide high quality service.
Since 2014 I have been a member of several different photography bodies to improve my personal development with photography. I have been a member of:
The guild of photographers.
The masters photography association.
The Baby and Newborn photography Network.
Including other training and business support groups such as:
The wedding industry network.
Julia Kelleher education - 5 carat collection.
The Growtpunur network
I graduated from North Lindsey’s Art and design campus in July of 2012 with a Merit-Merit in Creative digital media, being taught by Ralph Keaton and Pete Calvert.
I received acknowledgment on my success as a freelance photographer after graduating.
North Lindsey was brilliant with my learning disorder, and helping me transition into being a mother and very supportive whilst I studied there. I also Graduated in 2014 there with a Diploma in Childcare and Education.
In 2019 I attended a 24 hour charity photoshoot raising money for cancer research. I worked alongside 60 other models, photographers, make up artists and stylists and we raised £1000.
The Gainsborough standard interviewed me, I had my image on the front page and a feature.
During January 2014 I photographed the dogs at Jerry Dog Rescue Center for their christmas cards that year.
6 of my images were selected and printed into a commercial card pack that could be bought by members of the public to raise money for the dog charity.
During 2016 I spent the year creating ‘child fine art’ photography with various child models and actors.
Jamie’s photo was selected as a full page spread as he won a place in the 50th most beautiful children competition. This was published in America’s Child model magazine.
On top of published work, I have featured on the Local Lincolnshire Radio and on podcasts, along with having my photography showcased in Liverpool museum, as part of the ‘Getting dressed’ series by Crow’s eye productions that I’ve worked alongside.
During October if 2018 the Trinity Arts center in Gainsborough lit up their building, a former church Blue in recognition of ‘Baby loss awareness week’ I photographed this and they published it in print within their brochure.
I have had images featured in the Gainsborough Life magazine.
In 2015 I photographed a charity line dance for the Gainsborough first responders, one of my images was featured in an article.
In 2022 another one of my images was featured as I photographed the Lea Park jubilee event for the Queen’s 70th Celebration.
So far tree different artists have used my portrait photographs to draw from.
Chosen for ‘Image of the day’ twice when I was a member of the Guild of photographers, who thought that my images were of high standard and storytelling.
Since 2012 I have had multiple images featured online, from websites, E Magazines, to social media posts. Either interviews or advertising clothing, services or products for sale from models.